Our Mission

Over the years, and for many reasons, the attention of educators has become focused more and more on the Grammar portion of the classical education trivium, at the expense of the Logic and Rhetoric portions. Without a solid grounding in logic and rhetoric, however, our children are left vulnerable to the flawed arguments and manipulations of others, and unable to formulate their own arguments effectively.

Many other valuable areas of study have been reduced to afterthoughts, eliminated altogether, or branded as nonessential by our schools. Together, these gaps put us at risk of raising our children without the knowledge and abilities necessary to a broad understanding of an ever-changing and competitive world.

We recognize that our schools already are doing the best they can within the practical constraints placed upon them, and that parents already are doing the best they can in their busy lives. Our mission is to fill in the gaps, supplementing and enhancing the modern curriculum using fun, engaging, activity-based learning that prepares students to function as well-rounded citizens of the real world.

We continue to grow our curriculum and develop new programs through a process of ongoing evaluation and improvement, using methods based on modern research in cognitive science to produce lessons that are highly effective and entertaining. Witcraft Academy participants learn things they need and can't get anywhere else, and have fun doing it.

Our Programs

We offer our programs on four separate tracks. The content of all four tracks is identical, but each track is presented using a unique theme.

School of Wizardry

Real-life magicians and fantasy wizards have a few things in common - they work very hard at their craft, they are always seeking new knowledge and understanding, and they keep at it. With enough effort, learning, and dedication, any one of us can achieve astounding things!

Deep Space Expedition

Humanity has always yearned to explore the unknown, and the greatest of all unknowns is outer space. Jupiter's red spot, Saturn's icy rings, giant clusters of proto-stars, planets where it rains glass, super-dense neutron stars with magnetic fields strong enough to dissolve your molecular structure from thousands of miles away... what other wonders are out there?

Journey of Discovery

It rains year-round in tropical rainforests, with most receiving over 100 inches of rain per year, and the annual temperature in a tropical rainforest is normally between 70-90°F. Around 50% of the earth's species are found in tropical rainforests. The largest tropical rainforest in the world is the Amazon rainforest in South America; what lies waiting there to be discovered?

Pacific Adventure

The South Pacific is eleven million square miles of ocean, sprinkled with remote islands. Majestic high islands and emerald atolls nestle like gems in the turquoise waters, lush palms sway alongside crystal blue lagoons, and coral reefs teem with myriad flora and dazzling marine life. The possibilities for adventure are virtually endless.