Pacific Adventure

The South Pacific is eleven million square miles of ocean, sprinkled with remote islands. Majestic high islands and emerald atolls nestle like gems in the turquoise waters, lush palms sway alongside crystal blue lagoons, and coral reefs teem with myriad flora and dazzling marine life. The possibilities for adventure are virtually endless.

Charting Your Course™

It's no small task to make your way across a vast trackless ocean. It takes patience, determination, and a clear vision of where you're headed.

Similarly, in order to get where you want to go in life, you have to be the captain of your ship, know where your destination is, and stay on course.

In “Charting Your Course,” you’ll learn how to clarify your thoughts on where you really want to go, make a plan for the journey, and stay focused on getting there.

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Keeping a Sharp Lookout™

In a journey on the ocean, treacherous currents hidden beneath the surface can sweep you off course, and mirages can make it difficult to see where the water ends and the sky begins. Similarly, throughout your life you will encounter countless people whose job it is to deceive you, to manipulate you, and to influence your thoughts — preferably without you even being aware of it. And they’re very good at their jobs!

Fortunately, there are ways to defend yourself against the deception and manipulation being practiced today by advertisers, the media, politicians, and many others.

In “Keeping a Sharp Lookout,” you’ll learn how to recognize and resist the forces of deception, stand on your own two feet, and think for yourself logically and clearly!

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Learning Coexistence™

The ocean is teeming with a variety of life, each species and individual with its own special behaviors and characteristics. Humanity is also highly diverse, and in order to live together we have to make use of our social skills and understanding of people, groups, and communities.

Luckily for us, although we’re not born with those skills, they can be learned.

In “Learning Coexistence,” you’ll get started learning how to understand others, work together with them, get your own points across to them, and reach agreements with them. You’ll also learn some things about how groups of people function and how to get along in them.

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