Journey of Discovery

It rains year-round in tropical rainforests, with most receiving over 100 inches of rain per year! And it's warm, too - they are located close to the equator, and the annual temperature in a tropical rainforest is normally between 70-90°F. Life in the tropical rainforest is very diverse; around 50% of the earth's species are found in tropical rainforests. The largest tropical rainforest in the world is the Amazon rainforest in South America; what lies waiting there to be discovered?


Blazing Your Trail™

Compass and map are indispensible tools for anyone who wants to blaze their own path through the wilderness. Without them there is no hope of finding your way.

The same is true in everyday life. In order to get where you want to go in life, you have to be able to plan a route, know where your destination is, and stay on course.

In “Blazing Your Trail,” you’ll learn how to clarify your thoughts on where you really want to go, make a plan for the journey, and stay focused on getting there.

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Surviving in the Jungle™

There are dangers in the jungle; predators lurk in the shadows, and deadly snakes disguise themselves as branches. In your daily life you are not likely to encounter any leopards hiding in the bushes; but you will encounter countless metaphorical serpents whose job it is to deceive you, to manipulate you, and to influence your thoughts — preferably without you even being aware of it. And they’re very good at their jobs!

Fortunately, there are ways to defend yourself against the deception and manipulation being practiced today by advertisers, the media, politicians, and many others.

In “Surviving in the Jungle,” you’ll learn how to recognize and resist the forces of deception, stand on your own two feet, and think for yourself logically and clearly!

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Handling Encounters™

Encountering strange creatures in the wilds of the Amazon can be an intimidating experience - but sometimes, it can be almost as intimidating just to have to deal with other humans, using our own social skills and understanding of people, groups, and communities.

Luckily for us, although we’re not born with those skills, they can be learned.

In “Handling Encounters,” you’ll get started learning how to understand others, work together with them, get your own points across to them, and reach agreements with them. You’ll also learn some things about how groups of people function and how to get along in them.

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